The surge of processed deep-fried chicken or deep-fried chicken a great deal we face with various kinds of branding and design a stunning wagon form, this demonstrates how business deep-fried chicken, chicken, poultry crispy flour or crispy hen is encouraging, even one of the restaurant's famous franchise intentionally cultivate the chicken breast meats into its flagship menu, how great will the marketplace share of the intake of fried chicken breast in the culinary business.
As design services and company logo as well as creation of the cart, I apresiasikan the desire and determination of the client cart always, from a blend of color, form and functional still preferred, without going out of the elegance of the entire look of the look cart. Generate a peer that needs to attempt to create a culinary as well as business clients ' business requires good design services design carts, carts, wagons, carts, unique franchise, lightweight cart, wheelbarrow, carts, motor unit carts selling hardwood wagons, carts, bicycles, carts, culinary cart, carts, unique franchise, as well as place the custom logo work or culinary company logo ready I make, which range from the price tag on the cart I could modify to the conditions of your finances. Interested to truly have a cart that is exclusive and interesting as well as the appearance of the company logo in culinary desirability?
Detail specs:
- Order Flat iron Holow size 3 x 3 cm.
- Body Dish esser 0.5 mm
- Size: 120 x 60 x 200 cm
- Duco Paint concluding jackets of outdoor sticker
- Price $ 410
- These price is excluding postage
- Workshop : Jl Raya Darwati No 40-Ciwastra North Bandung-West Java Indonesia, Call/Wa 62-0811218446
Tag :
Food carts
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