We are specialist "Wagon-making Services Central Java" we design and make a myriad of "unique" Wagons, carts, Food Carts, Cart franchise, for the purposes of your business.
Make friends who wish to entrepreneurship Jasuke parmesan cheese or Corn deal, unique Jasuke Cart above can be place as a research business friends to all or any.
Deal cheap wagon specialist creation and design of Special booth models to consumers who have a home in Central Java province, Japan #Takoyaki food #gerobak #booth #booth modern #booth cheap #booth franchise #booth minimalist delicacies customized to Your culinary needs.
You can travel to our location for discussion:
Call/text message/wa/line : +62- 0811-218-446, Workshop: Jl-Raya Darwati no 40-Ciwastra,Kota Bandung
Make friends who wish to entrepreneurship Jasuke parmesan cheese or Corn deal, unique Jasuke Cart above can be place as a research business friends to all or any.
Deal cheap wagon specialist creation and design of Special booth models to consumers who have a home in Central Java province, Japan #Takoyaki food #gerobak #booth #booth modern #booth cheap #booth franchise #booth minimalist delicacies customized to Your culinary needs.
You can travel to our location for discussion:
Call/text message/wa/line : +62- 0811-218-446, Workshop: Jl-Raya Darwati no 40-Ciwastra,Kota Bandung
- Detail specification:
- Iron frame 3 x 3 cm size Holow.
- Body plate esser 0.5 mm
- Size l: 100 x p. l. 60 x h 190 cm.
- Finishing duco
- Sticker ritrama laminate
- Price : $ 295
- Price is not including postage
Tag :
Food carts
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